Greetings from Main Street ...
Dixon Main Street is delighted to be partnering with the Lee County Irish Heritage Society for a family-friendly event at the Historic Dixon Theatre at 7 p.m. on Saturday, March 10. The event is titled "An Irish Family Fleadh" (fleadh is Gaelic for festival) and it will feature music by The Matt Stedman Band, a Chicago-based band that will showcase a variety of traditional Irish songs, a magic show by Jeremy the Amazer, and special performances from the Eastman School of Dance, who will give a preview of their spring recital. Tickets will be on sale soon through the Dixon Theatre at or by calling DMS. Prices are $10 for adults, $4 for kids and seniors. A $2 discount is applied when ordering online.
The Fleadh coincides with the March Second Saturdays, so it will be a big night in downtown Dixon. Fleadh-goers can check out the great Art Happenings throughout the downtown before heading to the theatre.
Now on to the DMS Events and Updates ...
Feb. 4 -- Coming up on Saturday, Feb. 4 at the Post House Ballroom will be Dixon Main Street's annual Gala Celebration this year themed Classic Hollywood. The event is just a few tickets shy of a sell-out, so please call today if you would like to squeeze in.
Feb. 7 -- Shop Talk at Books on First from 5- 6 p.m. Join area merchants in this informal get-together to talk about issues effecting local businesses. A great networking opportunity to learn from your peers. Last month we had a great discussion on New Year's Business Resolutions and how it is important to step back from our business and view them from the customer's perspective. For the February, the Topic Du Jour will be Perspectives: How Businesses are perceived by Owners, Employees and the Public. Free refreshments thanks to Books on First and C&N Supply!
March 10 -- An Irish Fleadh presented by Lee County Irish Heritage Society and Dixon Main Street featuring the music of The Matt Stedman Band, magic by Jeremy the Amazer and special performances by the Eastman School of Dance. The doors open at 6 p.m. and the show starts at 7 p.m. See above for the full scoop.
Save the Dates
March 21 -- Lunch and Learn
April 11 -- Founders Day
April 27-28 -- Community-Wide Garage Sales
May 16 -- Lunch and Learn
May 24 -- 5th Annual DMS Golf Outing Presented by Sauk Valley Bank
June 1 -- Musical Fridays Presented by Community State Bank begins
If you haven't had a chance to Like our Facebook page yet, here's the link:
A few quick notes from around the community. . .
Jan. 31 -- Dixon Chamber's Annual Citizen of the Year banquet at Timber Creek, 6 p.m. Some of the honorees include: Ann Lewis, Kelly Sullivan, and the Dixon Knights of Columbus.
Feb. 5 -- The Reagan of Illinois Symphony World Premiere will make its television debut, on Sunday, February 5, 2pm on WTTW, Chicagoʼs Public Television Station, channel 11.
Feb. 6 -- Bottom Line Duo will be performing Monday, February 6, at the Historic Dixon Theatre as part of Sauk Valley Community Concert Association's 20th Anniversary season. For information go to
Feb. 9 -- Dixon Chamber BAB at the Post House Ballroom.
Feb. 11 -- Second Saturdays in downtown Dixon, 6-midnight. Check out the extended hours!
Feb. 11 -- Sinn des Auges (Sense of the Eye)” photography by Alex Paschal, running February 11, 2012 – May 6, 2012; Opening Reception, Saturday, February 11, 6 – 8 p.m.; The Crystal Cork Wine Shoppe
Feb. 20 -- The Dixon Riverfront will host the 2nd Annual President's Day Luncheon from 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. at the Dixon Historic Center. Lunch is catered by Mama Cimino's, music by Jazzy Jeff, and guest speaker is Bill Jones of the Dixon Historic Center. Cost is $8 in advance, $10 at the door. For details call 815-973-0931.
March 10 -- Art for Art's Sake Fundraiser for the Next Picture Show at Sauk Valley College. Includes live art, auctions, music, hors d'oeurves and much more. Tickets are $35 per person. For details, call 285-4924.
March 17 -- Shamrock Club's annual St. Patrick's Day Parade
March 18 -- The American Roots/Celtic Soul duo, Switchback, will be returning to Dixon for their 7th annual Irish Music concert at the Dixon High School Auditorium on March 18 at 4pm. Tickets are $10 for anyone 13 and over. The Kosier Studio of Dance Irish Dancers will be performing.
March 30 -- LCCOA/Post House Ballroom Prom.
FYI -- Ward, Murray, Pace and Johnson has relocated to 226 W. River Street (the old Wyanet Meats building). Congratulations on the move! Get more info on their website at
We want your news! -- Please email us your group or organizations event dates for 2012 so we can help to promote them!
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 23, 2012
Monday Moment from Main Street -- Jan. 23
Greetings from Main Street ...
Just a friendly reminder that postage stamps went up by a penny yesterday to the tune of 45 cents per stamp. So, before you mail that next letter, make sure you have updated your stamps, including postcards stamps!
The Dixon Main Street Board set its officers for the 2012 year at our board meeting last week. President: Kevin Marx (KSB Hospital), VP: Brittany Herwig (Dixon Health Care), Secretary: Donna Louise Jasper (Blackhawk Insurance), and Treasurer: Laura Bock (Sauk Valley Properties). Our other Board Members for 2012 include: Scott Brown (Wendler Engineering), John Jones (Kitzmans Lumber), Becky Reilly (Sauk Valley Media), BJ Fenwick (Green River Adventure Sports), and Ryan Marshall (The Stables).
Now on to the DMS Events and Updates ...
Feb. 4 -- Coming up on Saturday, Feb. 4 at the Post House Ballroom will be Dixon Main Street's annual Gala Celebration this year themed Classic Hollywood. Come walk the red carpet, enjoy music by Cirque du Swing with vocals by Kathy Cecchetti, take your chances at our live and silent auction and enjoy a great evening in a beautiful and historic setting. We will announce our Volunteer of the Year winner, along with the naming of our latest Cornerstone Award winners, which is like DMS's Hall of Fame. Tickets are just $25 per person or $200 for a sponsored table of 8. Dinner is included. Space is limited so make your reservation by Friday, Jan. 27.
Feb. 7 -- Shop Talk at Books on First from 5- 6 p.m. Join area merchants in this informal get-together to talk about issues effecting local businesses. A great networking opportunity to learn from your peers. Last month we had a great discussion on New Year's Business Resolutions and how it is important to step back from our business and view them from the customer's perspective. For the February, the Topic Du Jour will be Perspectives: How Businesses are perceived by Owners, Employees and the Public. Free refreshments thanks to Books on First and C&N Supply!
March 10 -- An Irish Fleadh presented by Lee County Irish Heritage Society and Dixon Main Street featuring the music of The Matt Stedman Band. Save the Date! Details to come soon.
Save the Dates
April 11 -- Founders Day
April 27-28 -- Community-Wide Garage Sales
May 24 -- 5th Annual DMS Golf Outing
If you haven't had a chance to Like our Facebook page yet, here's the link:
A few quick notes from around the community. . .
Jan. 31 -- Dixon Chamber's Annual Citizen of the Year banquet at Timber Creek, 6 p.m. Some of the honorees include: Ann Lewis, Kelly Sullivan, and the Dixon Knights of Columbus.
Feb. 6 -- Bottom Line Duo will be performing Monday, February 6, at the Historic Dixon Theatre as part of Sauk Valley Community Concert Association's 20th Anniversary season. For information go to
Feb. 11 -- Second Saturdays in downtown Dixon, 6-midnight. Check out the extended hours!
Feb. 20 -- The Dixon Riverfront will host the 2nd Annual President's Day Luncheon from 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. at the Dixon Historic Center. Lunch is catered by Mama Cimino's, music by Jazzy Jeff, and guest speaker is Bill Jones of the Dixon Historic Center. Cost is $8 in advance, $10 at the door. For details call 815-973-0931.
March 3 -- LCCOA/Post House Ballroom Prom
March 17 -- Shamrock Club's annual St. Patrick's Day Parade
March 18 -- The American Roots/Celtic Soul duo, Switchback, will be returning to Dixon for their 7th annual Irish Music concert at the Dixon High School Auditorium on March 18 at 4pm. Tickets are $10 for anyone 13 and over. The Kosier Studio of Dance Irish Dancers will be performing.
March 20 -- Art for Art's Sake Fundraiser for the Next Picture Show
FYI -- The Dixon Flash Soccer Club and the Dixon YMCA Soccer Program are looking for nicely used/worn soccer shoes, shin guards, balls, and other equipment to share with the kids during the spring soccer season. This is a great way to clean out your closet and help others with the cost of equipment. For details or to make a donation, contact Kathy at 815-677-0994.
We want your news! -- Please email us your group or organizations event dates for 2012 so we can help to promote them!
Josh Albrecht
Dixon Main Street
*if you would like to be removed from our email list, please reply to this email or call 288-2308.
Monday, January 16, 2012
Lunch and Learn highlights this week's updates
Greetings from Main Street ...
The January Lunch and Learn is this week on Wednesday, January 18 at Noon at the Post House Ballroom. The program will be by John Thompson, who will give us an update on LCIDA and the Chamber of Commerce. Lunch will be by Baker Street and it is sponsored by Kitzmans. Cost is just $3 per person.
We are also continuing the Reagan Oral History Project that began last year. Rev. Scott Porter is conducting interviews at the Dixon Historic Center on Thursday mornings. If you would like to share a story of Ronald Reagan, please contact the DMS office at 288-2308.
Now on to the DMS Events and Updates ...
Feb. 4 -- Coming up on Saturday, Feb. 4 at the Post House Ballroom will be Dixon Main Street's annual Gala Celebration this year themed Classic Hollywood. Come walk the red carpet, enjoy music by Cirque du Swing with vocals by Kathy Cecchetti, take your chances at our live and silent auction and enjoy a great evening in a beautiful and historic setting. Basil Tree will be catering the event and Wildflower Picks will be setting up a photo op for everyone to enjoy. We will announce our Volunteer of the Year winner, along with the naming of our latest Cornerstone Award winners, which is like DMS's Hall of Fame. Tickets are just $25 per person or $200 for a sponsored table of 8. Dinner is included. Space is limited so make your reservation early.
Feb. 7 -- Shop Talk at Books on First from 5- 6 p.m. Join area merchants in this informal get-together to talk about issues effecting local businesses. A great networking opportunity to learn from your peers. Last month we had a great discussion on New Year's Business Resolutions and how it is important to step back from our business and view them from the customer's perspective. For the February, the Topic Du Jour will be Perspectives: How Businesses are perceived by Owners, Employees and the Public. Free refreshments thanks to Books on First and C&N Supply!
Save the Dates
April 11 -- Founders Day
April 27-28 -- Community-Wide Garage Sales
May 24 -- 5th Annual DMS Golf Outing
Volunteers Needed! As the new year begins, so does work on the countless events and activities held by DMS. We have 4 committees that work on a variety of projects through the year and each committee meets just once a month. If you are interested in helping on a committee in 2012, please contact Josh at 288-2308 or email
If you haven't had a chance to Like our Facebook page yet, here's the link:
A few quick notes from around the community. . .
Jan. 21 -- Knight of Wine and Beer Tasting, Dixon Knights of Columbus, 6-9 p.m. Call 994-1368 for details. Cost is $15.
Jan. 31 -- Dixon Chamber's Annual Citizen of the Year banquet at Timber Creek, 6 p.m. Some of the honorees include: Ann Lewis, Kelly Sullivan, and the Dixon Knights of Columbus.
Feb. 6 -- Bottom Line Duo will be performing Monday, February 6, at the Historic Dixon Theatre as part of Sauk Valley Community Concert Association's 20th Anniversary season. For information go to
Feb. 11 -- Second Saturdays in downtown Dixon, 6-midnight. Check out the extended hours!
Feb. 20 -- Presidents Day Luncheon at the Dixon Historic Center presented by the Dixon Riverfront. The luncheon will included a short program and music by Jazzy Jeff. The museum will be open for tours.
FYI -- The Dixon Flash Soccer Club and the Dixon YMCA Soccer Program are looking for nicely used/worn soccer shoes, shin guards, balls, and other equipment to share with the kids during the spring soccer season. This is a great way to clean out your closet and help others with the cost of equipment. For details or to make a donation, contact Kathy at 815-677-0994.
FYI -- The Sauk Valley Shop Small movement didn't get left behind in the wake of holiday activities and discarded wrapping paper. You can still shop local all year long. Check out the great website that Griffin Computer put together for the businesses that joined forces for this great movement
The January Lunch and Learn is this week on Wednesday, January 18 at Noon at the Post House Ballroom. The program will be by John Thompson, who will give us an update on LCIDA and the Chamber of Commerce. Lunch will be by Baker Street and it is sponsored by Kitzmans. Cost is just $3 per person.
We are also continuing the Reagan Oral History Project that began last year. Rev. Scott Porter is conducting interviews at the Dixon Historic Center on Thursday mornings. If you would like to share a story of Ronald Reagan, please contact the DMS office at 288-2308.
Now on to the DMS Events and Updates ...
Feb. 4 -- Coming up on Saturday, Feb. 4 at the Post House Ballroom will be Dixon Main Street's annual Gala Celebration this year themed Classic Hollywood. Come walk the red carpet, enjoy music by Cirque du Swing with vocals by Kathy Cecchetti, take your chances at our live and silent auction and enjoy a great evening in a beautiful and historic setting. Basil Tree will be catering the event and Wildflower Picks will be setting up a photo op for everyone to enjoy. We will announce our Volunteer of the Year winner, along with the naming of our latest Cornerstone Award winners, which is like DMS's Hall of Fame. Tickets are just $25 per person or $200 for a sponsored table of 8. Dinner is included. Space is limited so make your reservation early.
Feb. 7 -- Shop Talk at Books on First from 5- 6 p.m. Join area merchants in this informal get-together to talk about issues effecting local businesses. A great networking opportunity to learn from your peers. Last month we had a great discussion on New Year's Business Resolutions and how it is important to step back from our business and view them from the customer's perspective. For the February, the Topic Du Jour will be Perspectives: How Businesses are perceived by Owners, Employees and the Public. Free refreshments thanks to Books on First and C&N Supply!
Save the Dates
April 11 -- Founders Day
April 27-28 -- Community-Wide Garage Sales
May 24 -- 5th Annual DMS Golf Outing
Volunteers Needed! As the new year begins, so does work on the countless events and activities held by DMS. We have 4 committees that work on a variety of projects through the year and each committee meets just once a month. If you are interested in helping on a committee in 2012, please contact Josh at 288-2308 or email
If you haven't had a chance to Like our Facebook page yet, here's the link:
A few quick notes from around the community. . .
Jan. 21 -- Knight of Wine and Beer Tasting, Dixon Knights of Columbus, 6-9 p.m. Call 994-1368 for details. Cost is $15.
Jan. 31 -- Dixon Chamber's Annual Citizen of the Year banquet at Timber Creek, 6 p.m. Some of the honorees include: Ann Lewis, Kelly Sullivan, and the Dixon Knights of Columbus.
Feb. 6 -- Bottom Line Duo will be performing Monday, February 6, at the Historic Dixon Theatre as part of Sauk Valley Community Concert Association's 20th Anniversary season. For information go to
Feb. 11 -- Second Saturdays in downtown Dixon, 6-midnight. Check out the extended hours!
Feb. 20 -- Presidents Day Luncheon at the Dixon Historic Center presented by the Dixon Riverfront. The luncheon will included a short program and music by Jazzy Jeff. The museum will be open for tours.
FYI -- The Dixon Flash Soccer Club and the Dixon YMCA Soccer Program are looking for nicely used/worn soccer shoes, shin guards, balls, and other equipment to share with the kids during the spring soccer season. This is a great way to clean out your closet and help others with the cost of equipment. For details or to make a donation, contact Kathy at 815-677-0994.
FYI -- The Sauk Valley Shop Small movement didn't get left behind in the wake of holiday activities and discarded wrapping paper. You can still shop local all year long. Check out the great website that Griffin Computer put together for the businesses that joined forces for this great movement
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Tuesday Moment -- Events and Activities Updates
Greetings from Main Street ...
The January Lunch and Learn is next week on Wednesday, January 18 at Noon at the Post House Ballroom. The program will be by John Thompson, who will give us an update on LCIDA and the Chamber of Commerce. Lunch will be by Baker Street and it is sponsored by Kitzmans. Cost is just $3 per person.
And special thanks to the Kiwanis Club for inviting me to their morning meeting last week at KSB Hospital. It is always great to share the Dixon Main Street story with local groups, and it is always interesting to learn about the great things other organizations do in the community, too. Be on the lookout for their pancake breakfast coming up in March.
If you haven't had a chance to Like our Facebook page yet, here's the link:
Now on to the DMS Events and Updates ...
Jan. 18 -- Lunch and Learn at the Post House Ballroom. See above for details.
Feb. 4 -- Coming up on Saturday, Feb. 4 at the Post House Ballroom will be Dixon Main Street's annual Gala Celebration this year themed Classic Hollywood. Come walk the red carpet, enjoy music by Cirque du Swing with vocals by Kathy Cecchetti, take your chances at our live and silent auction and enjoy a great evening in a beautiful and historic setting. We will announce our Volunteer of the Year winner, along with the naming of our latest Cornerstone Award winners, which is like DMS's Hall of Fame. Tickets are just $25 per person or $200 for a sponsored table of 8. Dinner is included. Space is limited so make your reservation early.
Feb. 7 -- Shop Talk at Books on First from 5- 6 p.m. Join area merchants in this informal get-together to talk about issues effecting local businesses. A great networking opportunity to learn from your peers. Last month we had a great discussion on New Year's Business Resolutions and how it is important to step back from our business and view them from the customer's perspective. For the February, the Topic Du Jour will be Perspectives: How Businesses are perceived by Owners, Employees and the Public. Free refreshments thanks to Books on First and C&N Supply!
Volunteers Needed! As the new year begins, so does work on the countless events and activities held by DMS. We have 4 committees that work on a variety of projects through the year and each committee meets just once a month. If you are interested in helping on a committee in 2012, please contact Josh at 288-2308 or email
A few quick notes from around the community. . .
Jan. 12 -- Dixon Chamber's BAB at the Next Picture Show. 5-6:30 p.m.
Jan. 14 -- Second Saturdays in downtown Dixon, 6-midnight. Check out the extended hours!
Jan. 21 -- Knight of Wine and Beer Tasting, Dixon Knights of Columbus, 6-9 p.m. Call 994-1368 for details. Cost is $15.
Jan. 31 -- Dixon Chamber's Annual Citizen of the Year banquet at Timber Creek, 6 p.m. Some of the honorees include: Ann Lewis, Kelly Sullivan, and the Dixon Knights of Columbus.
Feb. 6 -- Bottom Line Duo will be performing Monday, February 6, at the Historic Dixon Theatre as part of Sauk Valley Community Concert Association's 20th Anniversary season. For information go to
FYI -- The Dixon Flash Soccer Club and the Dixon YMCA Soccer Program are looking for nicely used/worn soccer shoes, shin guards, balls, and other equipment to share with the kids during the spring soccer season. This is a great way to clean out your closet and help others with the cost of equipment. For details or to make a donation, contact Kathy at 815-677-0994.
FYI -- The Phidian Art Club has announced their 24th Annual Literary Competition. For details about the contest, contact Jeanie Sullivan at 626-4531.
FYI -- The Sauk Valley Shop Small movement didn't get left behind in the wake of holiday activities and discarded wrapping paper. You can still shop local all year long. Check out the great website that Griffin Computer put together for the businesses that joined forces for this great movement
We want your news! -- Please email us your group or organizations event dates for 2012 so we can help to promote them!
The January Lunch and Learn is next week on Wednesday, January 18 at Noon at the Post House Ballroom. The program will be by John Thompson, who will give us an update on LCIDA and the Chamber of Commerce. Lunch will be by Baker Street and it is sponsored by Kitzmans. Cost is just $3 per person.
And special thanks to the Kiwanis Club for inviting me to their morning meeting last week at KSB Hospital. It is always great to share the Dixon Main Street story with local groups, and it is always interesting to learn about the great things other organizations do in the community, too. Be on the lookout for their pancake breakfast coming up in March.
If you haven't had a chance to Like our Facebook page yet, here's the link:
Now on to the DMS Events and Updates ...
Jan. 18 -- Lunch and Learn at the Post House Ballroom. See above for details.
Feb. 4 -- Coming up on Saturday, Feb. 4 at the Post House Ballroom will be Dixon Main Street's annual Gala Celebration this year themed Classic Hollywood. Come walk the red carpet, enjoy music by Cirque du Swing with vocals by Kathy Cecchetti, take your chances at our live and silent auction and enjoy a great evening in a beautiful and historic setting. We will announce our Volunteer of the Year winner, along with the naming of our latest Cornerstone Award winners, which is like DMS's Hall of Fame. Tickets are just $25 per person or $200 for a sponsored table of 8. Dinner is included. Space is limited so make your reservation early.
Feb. 7 -- Shop Talk at Books on First from 5- 6 p.m. Join area merchants in this informal get-together to talk about issues effecting local businesses. A great networking opportunity to learn from your peers. Last month we had a great discussion on New Year's Business Resolutions and how it is important to step back from our business and view them from the customer's perspective. For the February, the Topic Du Jour will be Perspectives: How Businesses are perceived by Owners, Employees and the Public. Free refreshments thanks to Books on First and C&N Supply!
Volunteers Needed! As the new year begins, so does work on the countless events and activities held by DMS. We have 4 committees that work on a variety of projects through the year and each committee meets just once a month. If you are interested in helping on a committee in 2012, please contact Josh at 288-2308 or email
A few quick notes from around the community. . .
Jan. 12 -- Dixon Chamber's BAB at the Next Picture Show. 5-6:30 p.m.
Jan. 14 -- Second Saturdays in downtown Dixon, 6-midnight. Check out the extended hours!
Jan. 21 -- Knight of Wine and Beer Tasting, Dixon Knights of Columbus, 6-9 p.m. Call 994-1368 for details. Cost is $15.
Jan. 31 -- Dixon Chamber's Annual Citizen of the Year banquet at Timber Creek, 6 p.m. Some of the honorees include: Ann Lewis, Kelly Sullivan, and the Dixon Knights of Columbus.
Feb. 6 -- Bottom Line Duo will be performing Monday, February 6, at the Historic Dixon Theatre as part of Sauk Valley Community Concert Association's 20th Anniversary season. For information go to
FYI -- The Dixon Flash Soccer Club and the Dixon YMCA Soccer Program are looking for nicely used/worn soccer shoes, shin guards, balls, and other equipment to share with the kids during the spring soccer season. This is a great way to clean out your closet and help others with the cost of equipment. For details or to make a donation, contact Kathy at 815-677-0994.
FYI -- The Phidian Art Club has announced their 24th Annual Literary Competition. For details about the contest, contact Jeanie Sullivan at 626-4531.
FYI -- The Sauk Valley Shop Small movement didn't get left behind in the wake of holiday activities and discarded wrapping paper. You can still shop local all year long. Check out the great website that Griffin Computer put together for the businesses that joined forces for this great movement
We want your news! -- Please email us your group or organizations event dates for 2012 so we can help to promote them!
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Thanks for our Community Partners!

Special thanks to the following community members that donated to our community partner drive. We appreciate the wonderful support from individuals in the community that believe in what Dixon Main Street does throughout the year. If you would like to make a donation, please click on the form above. Thanks!
Jane & Paul Berrettini
Mike & Diane Bufford
Dr. Donald Edwards
Betty Fish
Greg & Cindy Hicks
James&Betty Higby
Phil & Shirely Jorgensen
Richard Kanzler
Robert & Dolores Kustom
Greg Langan
Jim & Cheri Marshall
Kevin Marx
Duane Paulsen
Larry & Louise Reed
Shirley Rees
Lynn Roe
Dr. Vattam Setty
Wendell Snell & Sharon Thompson
John & Nancy Varga
Bill & Carol Wadsworth
Harold Wendler
Greg & Virginia Witzleb
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